
here it is:

22 January 2021

Testing a new post goes top

by adding a new post, does it appear top in the list on the home page, and does the 3rd one get shunted off the bottom of the list?

21 January 2021

This is the first post

To enable github sites to use the baked in jekyl blog functionality we need to put all news items (our equivilent to blog posts) in this directory, named with the format: as seen in the file name of this first post ( There are some very useful tips on getting started with jekyl blogs here

26 July 2019

Save The Date: GSC22 July 13-17, 2020 Bangkok, Thailand

7 May 2018

New Board Members

Field Definition with tips required/ recommended/ optional example
DOI Digital object identifier, assigned by GigaDB Required 10.5524/100473
Title The title of the dataset, this should be distinguishable from any associated manuscript publication, often this is achieved by prefixing the manuscript title with the term "Supporting data for". For technical reasons we use HTML encoding within the title field for all formatting, including bold and italics. Required Supporting data for "SVEngine: an efficient and versatile simulator of genome structural variations with features of cancer clonal evolution"
Description Summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the Dataset. Often this is the same as the abstract of the associated manuscript. For technical reasons we use HTML encoding within the description block for all formatting, including line breaks, bold, italics and hyperlinks, GigaDB staff can assist with this. Required This could be several paragraphs in length. Line returns are included in the description as HTML tags "
Authors Person(s) responsible for creating the work. Consists of 2 subfields Required  
Name The author's Family Name, Middle Name or Initials, Given Name. Required Xia, C, Li; Ai, Dongmei; Lee, Hojoon; Andor, Noemi;Li, Chao; Zhang, R, Nancy; Ji, P, Hanlee
ORCID If the author has an ORCID it can be added here. ORCID is a non-proprietary alphanumeric code to identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors uniquely. Optional 0000-0001-2345-6789;
Contact author Contact author for this Dataset. Consists of 3 subfields. Required  
Name The contact/submitting author's Family Name and Given Name. Required Ji, Hanlee
Affiliation The contact/submitting author's affiliation name and location Required Stanford, USA
Email The contact/submitting author's email address. Required genomics_ji@***
Publication date Date that the dataset was made publicly available. (YYYY-MM-DD) Required 2018-06-21
Dataset type (subject) Domain-specific Subject Categories that are topically relevant to the Dataset. There is a controlled vacobulary of terms supplied by GigaDB ( Required Genomic; Software
keywords Key terms that describe important aspects of the Dataset. All keywords are stored and presented in lower-case regardless of acronyms of any other prefered capitalization. Recommended structural variation; next generation sequencing; sequence analysis
Thumbnail image (logo) Optional addition of an image to enhance dataset landing page. If no appropriate image is available then a generic "no image" logo will be used. Consists of 4 subfields. Optional  
logo description Short name and/or description of the thumbnail image, particularly useful if this is a figure from the associated manuscript Optional Fig1: Inputs, outputs, and execution components of SVEngine.
logo license All images used must be openly licensed, preferably CC0 or public domain, but CC-BY is also acceptable. Optional CC0
logo source Name or URL of the source of the image used Optional Xia et al. 2018
logo credit Name of person to credit for the logo or image, this could be the photographers name if it’s a photograph. Optional Xia et al. 2018
Related publication(s) The DOI of the Publication(s) that uses or describes the generation of the data in this Dataset. i.e. the publication which this dataset accompanies. Recommended doi:10.1093/gigascience/giy081
Related materials Any material related to this Dataset. Optional
Externally hosted materials If parts of this dataset are hosted by other repositories, e.g. GitHub, Zenodo, Dryad, Figshare etc, we do not need to duplicate those data, simply add the direct link here. Optional
Umbrella project name If this dataset was produced under the auspicies of an international collaboration the name of that project may be included here. Optional 1000 Genomes
Related GigaDB datasets Any GigaDB dataset(s) that are related to this Dataset, such as previous releases, or subsets of the Dataset. Optional IsNewVersionOf:100123
Externally hosted data accessions If raw data generated or used in this dataset are hosted by other repositories, e.g. SRA, ProteomeXchange etc, we do not need to duplicate those data, simply add the accession number here. Optional BioProject:PRJNA012345
Grant information We collect Information about grants utilised during the collection and analysis of this dataset. Consists of 4 subfields. Optional  
Agency name Name of the funding agency providing the sponsorship or funding. When possible this should be from the FundRef* list of funding bodies. Recommended National Cancer Institute
Grant number The grant or contract number of the project that sponsored the effort. Recommended U01CA15192001
Awardee The name of the person responsible for getting the award Recommended N Andor
Comment Some agencies have multiple award programs through which they distribute funding, if appropriate that information can be added here. Optional Cancer Target Discovery and Development (CTDD) Consortium
Additional information We are able to hold any additional information in GigaDB using user-defined key-value pairs, however at time of writing this we have no display mechanism for such details. feature not available yet